
nothing beautiful...

When creating a collage which do you think comes first- the artwork or the quote? It can be either one, really. Sometimes though, I run across a quote that just demands to have something created around it.
Whenever I find a quote I like, I write it onto an index card. This way I can flip through the stack for a little inspiration whenever needed.
This quote felt delicate and fragile, like a secret that had been hidden for a long time- and the fairy had her fingertips pressed to her lips like she was trying to keep it that way!
I don't normally add fabric trims to my collage pieces but this was so much fun I'm sure I'll be doing it more often. American Crafts makes a really smooth black fine liner that is permanent- it's how I add the details lines on my collage. It also helps fill in any places my stamping is less than stellar!
Shhhhh..... it's a secret.


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