
...aaaaand ACTION!

I've never filmed a video before. I mean like NEVER EVER. Not even a stupid little something on my iPhone.

So.... here goes. My first video. 

Please have patience with me!



it's in the bag...

Ages ago I saw a photo somewhere of a little bag made from a piece of paper. It stuck with me and the other day I spent some time online looking for instructions.
Wow, are these easy peasy!! 

One piece of paper- any size- plus a way to close it (staple? ribbon? simply fold over?). Now I've got so many ideas I can't wait to make more.


protect your magic...

Whew- where has the summer gone? The last couple weeks have flown by... Girl Scout camp, a trip to Florida, a couple classes taught at my fave scrapbook store.

Getting back to reality and it's feeling pretty good.

I was needing a jolt of instant gratification and nothing works better for that than something small and made from pretty scraps! The size of the rolodex cards I found here was absolutely perfect.

It's been years since I used these adhesive-backed rhinestone swirls so I forgot just how they make me swoon! So glad to find these little pretties buried in a drawer I recently cleaned out.

Paper Whimsy has the most dreamy images of beautiful girls. The hardest part every time is deciding which one to use.

Remember to protect your magic. Everyone has it but it requires nurturing and feeding and exercising- and the best thing is, the more you use it, the more it grows!



tomato jalapeno foccacia...

Looking for a super quick appetizer? This fits the bill.

Tomato jalapeno foccacia. 

The name basically says it all!
I found this little guy the other night while I was watering my tomato army. He's the first ripe one! OK, so I needed more tomatoes to make this snack, which means this one is still on the vine. For now.
Sprouts market has a great jalapeno foccacia. I slice it, toast it and then top with mayonnaise and tomato slices. Normally I despise mayonnaise but it's the perfect creamy foil for the spicy jalapeno and the juicy tomato slices. That's it! 

No one can eat just one.



true love found...

So, years ago I stumbled across some images of altered rolodex cards and I fell in love. Hard.

It was always on my list of 'someday' projects to make some of these cards. No clue how I'd actually display them because, duh, where was I gonna find a vintage rolodex? Seriously.
And then one day while visiting my mom in Idaho we were thrifting in one of her favorite haunts and I saw Her. 
A genuine rolodex file, just waiting for me to find. No telling how long She'd been there- but I'm guessing it was a pretty long time since the price tag said .99- WHAT?? Ninety-nine cents? I almost fell over. My mom was totally confused about my hyper ventilation over some weird piece of office ephemera from the past but it didn't matter. I was already in love.
 I didn't feel one single pang of guilt when I spied the warning sign on Her undercarriage. I didn't care at that point- I was DEFINITELY going to remove her. Wrapped carefully, smuggled in my carry on bag all the way back home to California. 
Today I made my first card for Her. It felt appropriate to use the phrase 'then, suddenly, a strange thing happened'... because that's exactly the way I discovered Her.
 I think I'll use my mega date stamp from Studio Calico on the backs of each card as I complete them.
Looking forward to filling the entire file, one altered card at a time.

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