So, years ago I stumbled across some images of altered rolodex cards and I fell in love. Hard.
It was always on my list of 'someday' projects to make some of these cards. No clue how I'd actually display them because, duh, where was I gonna find a vintage rolodex? Seriously.
And then one day while visiting my mom in Idaho we were thrifting in one of her favorite haunts and I saw Her.
A genuine rolodex file, just waiting for me to find. No telling how long She'd been there- but I'm guessing it was a pretty long time since the price tag said .99- WHAT?? Ninety-nine cents? I almost fell over. My mom was totally confused about my hyper ventilation over some weird piece of office ephemera from the past but it didn't matter. I was already in love.
I didn't feel one single pang of guilt when I spied the warning sign on Her undercarriage. I didn't care at that point- I was DEFINITELY going to remove her. Wrapped carefully, smuggled in my carry on bag all the way back home to California.
Today I made my first card for Her. It felt appropriate to use the phrase 'then, suddenly, a strange thing happened'... because that's exactly the way I discovered Her.
I think I'll use my mega date stamp from Studio Calico on the backs of each card as I complete them.
Looking forward to filling the entire file, one altered card at a time.