For awhile, I had pieces of scrapbook paper that matched the season framed in those big square 12"x12" scrapbook frames from the big M but I tired of changing out the paper each time and struggling to rehang them. What a pain! Then it hit me- why not just use regular (read: el cheapo) frames and pack the whole shebang up once the holiday was over?
Dollar store to the rescue! I bought document frames (they're 8 1/2" x 11") and spray painted them (of course!) to hang as the background on the wall. This background layer gets changed out periodically (I just store each set in a box- they stack flat and weigh nothing so it's simple to change them out).
Then I start layering. The small frames are also from the dollar store (and again, spray-painted) and always have either vintage images I've found or little collages I've made. I also regularly replace the layers of smaller frames, depending on the holiday or season. I think this year after the Easter images are put away I'll replace them with sheet music and little bird & nest pictures instead.
The Grapics Fairy
The Feathered Nest Catnip
The Last Door Down The Hall
Cleary Vintage
Magic Moonlight Free Images
Shabby Chic Papir Skatter
Shabby Chic Papir Skatter
Please visit these fantastic blogs and see what they've got!
Brilliant idea! These are just super beautiful!! I wish we had dollar stores in France with such nice frames!! You will get so much enjoyment out of looking at these!
These are great! I love how they look on the descending shelves. So pretty!
This is brilliant! Thanks so much for sharing this awesome idea - even the Velcro on the walls (also brilliant). It looks amazing. Oh, and thanks for sharing your sources, too! :)
Great collection of Easter....and spring.....
Oh my goodness, I love this idea and the shelves are just stunning! I love the idea of the birds and nests for your next frame swap. Such a pretty place you have here. Have a great weekend!
You are so clever. I am going to do this in my next studio. I love the look.
I thought I was the only one always hiding nail holes! That gave me a much needed laugh, so thank you for that. This is such a great idea! Really beautiful and practical. Two of my favorite things.
Great idea!!! Thanks for sharing!
These are great! I'll have to look for those document frames, I don't think I've seen those before, but they look like they're a great size! Thanks so much for linking this one up today for "Brag Monday".
This is such a great idea! Thank you for the inspiration...
What a brilliant idea! This is fantastic, Petra.xx
Great ideas, the dollar tree is one of my favorite places to get supplies too! This is a just such a fantastic wall....applause....applause!! :)
This makes for some beautiful framed art :)
Now that's inventive, I love the hook and loop idea, and of course dollar store frames redone are so handy!!
Very cute and thrifty! Gotta love the dollar store, never know what you'll find!
Thanks for sharing
Fantastic! What a wonderfully creative idea. I can't wait to do this myself! Thanks for the idea...
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